A benefit for Blue Family Fund Inc., a501(C)3 supporting Families of First Responders in need, through financial assistance, and scholarships for First Responders’ dependents.
Hacker's Ball Golf Tournament
Friday, September 19th, 8:00 am
Fossil Creek Golf Club
Hamburger Buffet for Lunch
$150 per person
$500 per team (4 players)
4 person scramble
1st and Last Place Trophies
Beer Wall – Winner Take All
Closes to the Pin Contest
Hole in One Contest
Putting Contest
Long Drive Contest
Prizes from Callaway Golf
Raffle Prizes from Sponsors
Free Tournament Hat
Lunch is Provided
Sponsorship Packages
Platinum Sponsorship
Platinum Sponsorship
- 8 player spots
- Company hole set up with a table, chairs, and in round game option.
- Platinum Sponsor Banner set up at the entry
- Recognition on all marketing material, social media & website
$5,000.00$5,000.00Add to cart
Gold Sponsorship
Gold Sponsorship
- 4 player spots
- Company hole set up with table, chairs, games etc
- Recognition on all marketing material, social media & website
$3,000.00$3,000.00Add to cart
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Beverage Cart Sponsor
- Logo signage on beverage cart
- 2 player spots
- Recognition on all marketing material, social media & website
$2,000.00$2,000.00Add to cart
Lunch Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
- Signage at the lunch buffet
- 2 player spots
- Recognition on all marketing material, social media & website
$1,500.00$1,500.00Read more
Active Hole Sponsor
Hole Sponsor (silent/active)
- Company ad/logo on the digital scorecard (displayed as players arrive at your sponsored hole)
- Company hole set up with table, chairs, games, etc
$350.00$350.00Add to cart
Game Sponsor
Sponsor options ($100 per contest)
- Longest Drive
- Straightest Drive
- Shotgun Put
- Closest to the Pin
$100.00$100.00Add to cart
Call or Email Stacey Magovern